

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gita Chapter 6

In continuation to the prvious chapters the concept of what is Karma yoga, who is a Yogi vs Sanyasi.  Sankalpa is given importance as a factor.   Dropping all Sankalpas and than performing action will be liberating.  Activity vs action.  Activity without Sankalpa is liberating Action, activity with Sankalpa can be a bining action. 

Lord defines further who is a Yogi and Sanyasi.  Unlike what commonly held opinion is, just because some one has given up the household or is not engaging in any activity, it does not make him a yogi or sanyasi.  But the one who is performing action without attachment to the outcome and who is freed from the sense gratification only than he even though engaged in action, can be called a yogi or sanyasi. Such an  Action can be a useful means to getting established in yoga.  Qualities of the one who is established in Yoga:

Senses and mind are under his control
Over come dualities of warmth and cold, respect and disrespect,  happiness and grief
His mind intellect complex is satiated by wisdom and knowledge
His senses ar firmly in his control
He has Samta Bhava: He does nto see any difference in gold and a peice of stone
No matter what company he is in :  he is calm and unattached
Not inclined to hoarding and collecting things
The one whose Rajoguna has been quietened
He is balanced in his diet, activity, sleep and rest and socializing

When he is so inclined and established in these qulaities, he  engages in the practice of meditation. ( technique described in the chapter )

This in turn leads to him developing a state which is called YOGYUKTA.  this state is characterized by:

Like the flame of a  lamp in a windless space, no ripples, no disturbance, calm and stable
Purified intellect is able to get in touch with the reality of the Lord
He is firmly established in the peace that comes from the Lord. He experiences that form of peace that can be  esperienced only with the purified Antahkaran
He will not give up this state no matter what temptation he is subjected to
He becomes one with HIM and experiences that peace
He sees everything in Lord and Lord in everything.  The entire creation is Lord Himself

Yogi with such qualities is truly the best and most admirable

  Even though this task is very difficult but it   can be accomplished by constantly engaging in  practice ( Of Karma yoga )  and dispassion.( towards the siddhis that come with the practice) 

As usual Arjuna has a doubt:  What if I die before reaching that state ?

Krishna offers  hope  for such questioners:

What ever you have accomplishde in this life time is not going to go to waste.  If you do not reach that ultimate state of union with the  LORD, and you died, you will still enjoy the benefits of all the spiritual practices you have engaged in.  You may enjoy the benefits of heaven and than be born in   pious families or in the families of wise sages.  You will bring back with you all the good  sanskaras from previous  yogic practices and you will pick up from wehre you left in the previous life and will re-engage in the same  pursuit with vigor and energy.  The efforts wil  soon lead to the accomplishment of that state of re-union with the Lord.

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