

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gita Chapter 16

Gita Chapter 16
Key verse:

Daivi tendancies or Sampada leads to release from bondage
Aasuri  tendancies  or Sampada  leads to bondage

The transcendental (Daivi ) qualities are conducive to liberation, whereas the demoniac ( Asuri ) qualities make for bondage. Do not worry, O son of Pandu, for you are born with the divine qualities.

Cause of Aasuri Sampada being dominant:

Kama ( desire ), Krodha ( anger ) and Lobha ( greed ) These are the three main perpetrators that promote  the development of Asuri assets.

There are three gates leading to this hell--desire, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.

Effects of Asuri tendancies:

Not only constantly going around the cycle of birth and death, but also being destined to be born and suffering through   the worst forms of Naraka and degraded life forms.  


Study and follow what the scriptures say.  When you are not sure what your duty should be, look at what the Shastra ( scripture) says.  If one studied and   acted according to the teachings in the scriptures  he will attain real knowledge, peace, realization and ultimately reunion with  God.

One should understand what is duty and what is not duty by the regulations of the scriptures. Knowing such rules and regulations, one should act so that he may gradually be elevated.

There are lot of details in the chapter regarding what Daivi qualities are and what Asuri qualities are. 

Divi qualities:  Verses   1 - 3

Fearlessness, Charity, Study of scriptures, staying resolute through difficulties in the spiritual path, non violence, compassion  to name a few.  Reader may look through these in the full text.

Asuri qualities:  Verses    4,  7 - 19

Arrogance, pride, anger, not knowing waht is right or wrong,  engaging in wrongful actions in mind, body and speech, hurting others,  full of unending desires and going to any length for the fulfilment of those desires. victim of lust and anger, ruthless pursuit of  material gains etc.  Even when they appear to be performing religious activities those activities are done with arrogance.  These are only a few of the Asuric tendancies.


Study and live according to the scriptures.   Be good and do good.  If one does that, than he/she will be freed from this cycle of birth and death.  Even if not freed from the cycle of birth and death, good deeds will give us birth in good families while if we engaged in bad deeds ( Asuric) than we are bound to be born in Naraka and would have to go through suffering.

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