

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gita Chapter 3

The core message from the first part is:  Perform actions as a Yajna or a worship of the Lord.

In the  first part of  2nd chapter:  Lord explained how one could perform actions without attachment to the body because Jiva or the Soul is indestructible, In the 2nd part of the 2nd chapter  He showed how to perform action without concern for the outcome.  By folowing  either of these paths one attains liberation or Moksha, here and after.

Even though Arjuna had been given enough teachings in the first chapter but he is not satisfied.  Not only he is not satisfied, it appears that he is very confuse. He is telling Lord, "you are confusing me" and "You are asking me to engage in this inhuman, grave action like war"  He does not realize that Lord is  only telling hi to do his duty and not to run away from his duty.  Which in Arjuna's cse happens to be fighting, becasue he is a Kshatriya.  So Arjuna is complaining that Krishna is asking him to engage in grave sinful actions.  Neo Lord hs to come up with another way to show him how he can look at his actions adn hwo he can perform them in a way that he won't fell the way he is and hewon't be bound by the outcomes of those actions.  Lord also gives him teh example fromteh past.

In this first part of the 3rd chapter now He is providing another way to perform non binding action:   that is performing every action as a form of worship of the Lord.  Once we perform our actions as a form of worship of the Lord, than the fruits of those actions will come as Prasadam.  Becasue we are performing it as a Yajna no matter waht the outcome is going to be, we will be happy.  He give example of Brahma ( not Brahman) who created the current Srishti ( Physical existence as we know it ) He did it to fulfil the command of God and did not do it for his own personal sake. After creating teh Srishti,  Brahma commanded the Devas and humans to mutually benefit each other by performing all actions as Yajna.  When we perform our actions as Yajna, than God permeates those actions.  He gives the example of how food stuff is finally originated from God through, rain, worship, knowledge. finally knowledge having come directly from the Lord.

He gives the following examples of how others are following this method of performance of actions as Yajna and therefore not getting bound by the effects of the actions:

First He gives the example of Raja Janak:  He is considered Videha.  Janak is considered to have overcome all attachment but  at the same time he is living in this world and carrying out all the kingly  and householder duties.  For him every one of actions was the worship of the Lord.  And he was able to stay Nirlipta ( unattached) even to his body ( Deha) therefore he was called Videha.

Secondly He gives the example of Himself.  He says, I do not really have to do anything but if I stop doing things ( sustaining the world), this world will come to an end, so I keep doing my duty without these actions of maintaining the world, causing any binding effect on me.  So His advice to Arjuna:  Just like People from old days like Janaka, Devas and Lord Himslef continue to  perform the actions, even though they do not have to:  Similarly Arjuna should  carry out his duties.

Kamkrodha Mardan yog ( That is how see it )

In the second part of Chapter 3, Lord is expounding the role of Desire and anger and how to overcome them:  Arjuna wants to know why even an intelligent person and a person with good intentions engages in wrong actions ?  Lord attributes this to Kama ( Desire ) and Krodha ( Anger ).  He says these are borne out of the Rajas element of nature ( Rajoguna ).  These reside in our indriyas ( senses ), Mana ( mind ) and Buddhi ( intellect ).  These being an element of Prakriti, they obscure the True knowlede in the humans and after the knowledge has been obscured, the individual engages in all these unwholesome actions.  He explains that the  body, sense, mind and intellect are the gross elements and they are part of the Prakriti while Atma is pure and without blemish of the Gunas of Prakriti.  He tells Arjuna to get in touch with the  pure nature of his Soul and with that strength he can derive from his soul he will be able to  over come the  Desire and anger borne out of Rajoguna residing in the body, senses, mind and intellect.

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