Gita Chapter 18
This chapter summarises many key concepts propounded in the first 17 chapters. Sort of a recap of the main principles: What is karma yoga, what are the three qualities of nature and their relevance to what we do and how we do, waht is best way to realize The Lord.
Karma Yoga as explained in Chapter 18:
One could be a Sanyasi and a Tyagi ( renouncer ) while at the same time being engaged in action. How ? If you are not attached to the outcome and the fruits of your actions than even though you may be busy performing actions, you are a Sanyasi and Tyagi. But if you have left the home but are performing what appears to be religious and spiritual actions but are doing them with attachment to your ashram or matha, than you may appear to be a Sanyasi, but you are not. It is seen that someone may have become a sanyasi but now is very attached to his asgram or congregation and the whole arrangement that goes with it. They are namesake sanyasis only.
If someone has given up action due to some delusion or due to being afraind of discomfort, than that type of renunciation is Raajasic/Taamsic renunciation and has no spiritual benefit to the seeker.
Often we feel we are causing the actions to happen, But truly we have very little control on what is happening. Five factors that determine what happens are : who is acting to perform, where is he situated ( the place ), what tools he has at his disposal, what kind of effort he is making and the fifth but most important being the sanskaras, the impressions from all the experiences from our previous lives and this life. It is easy to see how these would influence the outcome. Often we make the best effort but our tools do not perform like we expected, or we have the right tools but we do not make the effort required, or we have the right place, right tools, right motivation but the doer is week and incapable. even when all these are fit, things may not go as we expect them to be and that is when the predetermined sanskaras or Divine will has played a role to cause the outcome to be other than what expected.
Knowledge that gives us the vision where we see Him in everything and see everything in Him only is considerd Saatvic knowledge. That is the most desirable and tru knowledge. But if we see everything in this world as a separate entity and we do not see the unity in this existence, it is Raajsic knowledge. But for someone who is entirely self centerd on himself only than that knowledge is Taamsic knowledge. so one can see the progression from Saatvic where a unity is seen in everything, it is saatvic from one extreme to the other extreme where a taamsic person only thinks of himself and nothing else.
Similarly examples are given of who is the Saatvic doer, raajasic doer, Taamsic doer. Same thing applies to the inteligence, resolve, pleasures and happiness. Lord gives examples of how each of these can be saatvic, raajsic or taamsic. Finally He states that there is nothing in this creation which is not characterized by one of these three gunas of prakriti. ( The seeker may ask the question: so what does it mean for me ? The answer is given in chapter 14 where Lord advises: See yourself to be separate from these and not be influenced by the interpaly and interaction of these gunas )
Verses 41 - 48 introduce how one can achieve God Realization. Lord describes the duties of all four varnas of the society. some of these appear to be superior to others. But Lord emphasizes that no task or duty is inferior to others and one should not think that my duty is inferior to the other person's duty. As long as one performs his duties with full devotion to Lord and with all the qualities described earlier in the chapter, he will, no doubt, achieve God Realization.
From verse 50 thru 59 Lord is describing who and how one unites with The Lord. he is describing the qualities of the right kind of seeker.These include: sense control, self discipline, established in dispassion, consumes very little, avoids crowded palces, firmly established in yoga etc. Such a seeker gets established in the Para Bhakti ( supreme devotion ). Once he is established in such supreme bhakti he is becomes qualified to truly know what od is, and once he truly knows what God is, he is able to unite with The Lord. Once he is established in The Lord, than he is still able to perform all the actions but at the same time not be affected by them. To the outside world he may be appear to be acting performing but he is completely free of any binding effects of these actions because he has offered all these to The Lord.
Most important verses of this chapter;
Verse 65:
Always think of Me and become My devotee. Worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.
Verse 66:
Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear. Finally arjuna accepts the knowledge givenby The Lord and he says: Arjuna said, My dear Krishna, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy, and I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions. Sanjaya says the concluding verse: Wherever there is Krishna, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion. |
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