Strength comes from external realm and also from internal realm. We are all familiar with the strength that derives from objects in the external realm. Common examples being money, occupation, political power, power of social status. A person who has lot of money or position of power would feel very strong and feel that he or she can face and overcome anything. But it is not infrequent that we see that the very same people also often find themselves in a situation that no matter how much money or power they have, they at times feel very week, helpless and lost. Sense of desperation overcomes them and nothing seems to be able to help.
Strength can also be derived from the inner realm. It is commonly defined as Spiritual or Adhyatmic strength, or Aatmic strength. This strength does not derive from anything in the outside world. It does not derive from money or position of power. It does not come and go. Since it does not depend on any physical object therefore it is available and accessible where ever the individual is, since being inside it always stays with the person.
A good and easy to understand example is the spiritual teacher. How do we know if he has this inner strength. If, when in the presence of that master, you feel happy, content, calm and centered, that tells you that you are near a reservoir of inner spiritual strength. Just like when you are standing near a waterfall you can feel a few drops of water falling on you and make you feel very happy, similarly when in the vicinity of a sage who possesses inner spiritual strength, you will feel the qualities described above. ( The opposite of this is when you are in the company of someone who is mentally disturbed or one with a shady character, you would feel restless and perturbed )
When you have inner strength you would naturally feel happy without any obvious external reason because you are in touch with the infinite internal source of bliss or Ananda. As the connection between you and that infinite source of bliss becomes stronger it starts to overflow and flow around you and that is when those around you start to experience that as well when they are around you. If you are such an individual you will be able to face any difficulty with ease. Be that difficulty of physical or emotional nature. There are examples of individuals who were subjected to physical torture but they did not give up what they believed in. guru Tegh Bahadur was tortured by Moghul emperor Aurangjaeb but the Guru did not cry or show any sign of pain or suffering because he possessed so much inner strength that any pain inflicted from outside was easy to bear. There are multiple examples in not only Sikh religion but other religions as well where the individual possessing such inner spiritual strength was able withstand pain and suffering.
This is an extreme example. Not everyone has to go through such pain. More often we run into day to day difficulties in our life relating to work, relationships etc. Often such difficulties cause people to get disturbed, lose their balance and we see many of them end up committing crimes, violence or get depressed and end up on psychotropic medications. But an individual who possesses inner spiritual strength will be able to sail through these day to day obstacles and difficulties with ease. Difficulties are bound to come up. Having inner spiritual strength does not mean that there won’t be any difficulties. having inner spiritual strength means we will be able handle them better and not let theses problems to cause us to lose our peace of mind.
The next logical question is: How to develop that inner strength ? The answer is through Spiritual Sadana. Than the next question is : How to do Spiritual Saadhna ? How to learn and where to go ad learn how to do Spiritual Saadhna ? One can learn how to by attending Satsang and by Swadhyaya or reading holy scriptures in a sustained and persistent manner. Not once in a while, not whenevr it is convenient or doing it when there is nothing else to do. This has to be the first priority and should be continuous and with lot of effort and motivation and burning desire. what would happen when we engage in Satang and Swadhyaya ? It will make it easier to practice spiritual saadhna. Which is the easiest and most effective saadhna ? answer is in Gita verse:
Chapter 12 verse 12:
Engage yourself in the cultivation of knowledge. Better than knowledge, however, is meditation, and better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of action, for by such renunciation one can attain peace of mind.
In essence selfless service is the best way to engage in spiritual practice. Engaging in selfless service while at the same time participating in Satsang and constatntly doing Swadhyaya is the best way to establish contact with that inner source of haapiness and peace. That is the sure way to deveop that inner strength.
Strength comes from external realm and also from internal realm. We are all familiar with the strength that derives from objects in the external realm. Common examples being money, occupation, political power, power of social status. A person who has lot of money or position of power would feel very strong and feel that he or she can face and overcome anything. But it is not infrequent that we see that the very same people also often find themselves in a situation that no matter how much money or power they have, they at times feel very week, helpless and lost. Sense of desperation overcomes them and nothing seems to be able to help.
Strength can also be derived from the inner realm. It is commonly defined as Spiritual or Adhyatmic strength, or Aatmic strength. This strength does not derive from anything in the outside world. It does not derive from money or position of power. It does not come and go. Since it does not depend on any physical object therefore it is available and accessible where ever the individual is, since being inside it always stays with the person.
A good and easy to understand example is the spiritual teacher. How do we know if he has this inner strength. If, when in the presence of that master, you feel happy, content, calm and centered, that tells you that you are near a reservoir of inner spiritual strength. Just like when you are standing near a waterfall you can feel a few drops of water falling on you and make you feel very happy, similarly when in the vicinity of a sage who possesses inner spiritual strength, you will feel the qualities described above. ( The opposite of this is when you are in the company of someone who is mentally disturbed or one with a shady character, you would feel restless and perturbed )
When you have inner strength you would naturally feel happy without any obvious external reason because you are in touch with the infinite internal source of bliss or Ananda. As the connection between you and that infinite source of bliss becomes stronger it starts to overflow and flow around you and that is when those around you start to experience that as well when they are around you. If you are such an individual you will be able to face any difficulty with ease. Be that difficulty of physical or emotional nature. There are examples of individuals who were subjected to physical torture but they did not give up what they believed in. guru Tegh Bahadur was tortured by Moghul emperor Aurangjaeb but the Guru did not cry or show any sign of pain or suffering because he possessed so much inner strength that any pain inflicted from outside was easy to bear. There are multiple examples in not only Sikh religion but other religions as well where the individual possessing such inner spiritual strength was able withstand pain and suffering.
This is an extreme example. Not everyone has to go through such pain. More often we run into day to day difficulties in our life relating to work, relationships etc. Often such difficulties cause people to get disturbed, lose their balance and we see many of them end up committing crimes, violence or get depressed and end up on psychotropic medications. But an individual who possesses inner spiritual strength will be able to sail through these day to day obstacles and difficulties with ease. Difficulties are bound to come up. Having inner spiritual strength does not mean that there won’t be any difficulties. having inner spiritual strength means we will be able handle them better and not let theses problems to cause us to lose our peace of mind.
The next logical question is: How to develop that inner strength ? The answer is through Spiritual Sadana. Than the next question is : How to do Spiritual Saadhna ? How to learn and where to go ad learn how to do Spiritual Saadhna ? One can learn how to by attending Satsang and by Swadhyaya or reading holy scriptures in a sustained and persistent manner. Not once in a while, not whenevr it is convenient or doing it when there is nothing else to do. This has to be the first priority and should be continuous and with lot of effort and motivation and burning desire. what would happen when we engage in Satang and Swadhyaya ? It will make it easier to practice spiritual saadhna. Which is the easiest and most effective saadhna ? answer is in Gita verse:
Chapter 12 verse 12:
Engage yourself in the cultivation of knowledge. Better than knowledge, however, is meditation, and better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of action, for by such renunciation one can attain peace of mind.
In essence selfless service is the best way to engage in spiritual practice. Engaging in selfless service while at the same time participating in Satsang and constatntly doing Swadhyaya is the best way to establish contact with that inner source of haapiness and peace. That is the sure way to deveop that inner strength.